Raleigh Foundation Repair Pros

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Foundation Repair & Waterproofing

Dealing with foundation issues can be overwhelming for homeowners. The first thing that you have to figure out is whether or not the people working on your foundation are telling you the truth. Some people in the business are known for exaggerating your actual issues. What they’ll do is recommend major repairs 9 times out of 10. Even if the situation doesn’t necessarily require those repairs. Of course, this is a worst-case scenario. How do you know though that you’re not in that worst case scenario when you’re talking to your foundation company? There are probably multiple ways to get this done, but if you keep reading, you’ll get a sense of how we do business. Why it may then be a good idea for you to give us a call!

a construction site with a concrete slab and scaffolding
a pile of dirt next to a building under construction
a large metal object sitting in the middle of a street

About Our Team

We’ve been repairing foundation repair in Raleigh NC area for a while. This has allowed us to understand the main issues that plague local homes. We’re very much aware of the terrain in different parts of the community. Ultimately that can help us decide on a adequate repair method. On top of that since we know a lot of the challenges that people go through to find the right foundation repair company we’ve taken it upon ourselves to provide the type of services that we feel dignify what we do.

a blue house with white trim and windows
a building being built with a lot of wood on top of it
a black box sitting on top of a dirt field

Our Services

All of our services begin with a thorough inspection of the crawlspace, the foundation itself or whatever it is that we happen to be working on at the time. We’ll give you a report on our findings and based on that we’ll be recommending let’s say a foundation underpinning procedure or leveling. When it comes to our services don’t worry about having a clear idea of what you need us to do for you when you first give us a call. We’ll figure out what it is that you need, and we can go from there.


Raleigh Raleigh Waterproofing is one of the best things that you can do to avoid foundation issues. Most of the problems that we ultimately have to go in and repair within foundations stem from water damage. If you’re proactive with your foundation care you’ll be spending less money repairs it’s as simple as that. Plus, we’ll be able to waterproof different parts of your home. The way that certain homes are built makes specific spots more vulnerable to water damage. Not just your crawlspace.

Foundation Repair

Foundation Repair Raleigh, We’ve already described the process that we go through when we’re dealing with actual foundation repairs. As we’ve mentioned the first step is a thorough inspection. From there we’ll give you a report on our findings with proof so that you can be certain of what we found. Then we’ll come up with a plan to be able to repair the existing issues. We want to point out that certain procedures won’t necessarily fix the problem at hand. For example, underpinning is a very effective way to repair a foundation. Yet, it’s not always going to be possible to use it as a repair method. We’ve got a pretty extensive list of techniques that we use in repairs though. Don’t worry if a popular method isn’t necessarily “available” for you.

Pier And

Beam Repair

Pier and beam foundations are pretty much the easiest to spot a problem in and then get to the bottom of the issue. Wear and tear on the original structure can start showing through things like sinking floors. That’s one of the signs that you don’t want to ignore. Repairs typically involve adding support to the original structure to ensure things stay upright.

Our pier and beam repair services offer a specialized solution designed to enhance the stability and longevity of your property. With an emphasis on family safety and customer satisfaction, our team brings expertise to every project, ensuring your home stands solidly on secure foundations. We start by gathering comprehensive information about the condition of your property, focusing on common issues like soil instability and structural cracks.

Foundation Underpinning

Our foundation underpinning services are specifically tailored to address and rectify the challenges faced by properties with uneven floors and structural weaknesses. Serving communities throughout North Carolina, our team provides crucial structural repairs that ensure the longevity and safety of your home. By focusing on the root causes of issues like cracks and uneven flooring, we deliver solutions that stabilize your foundation against future problems. We pride ourselves on keeping our customers informed throughout the underpinning process, ensuring you have all the necessary information to make educated decisions about your property's needs.

With foundation underpinning what we’re doing is digging under the existing foundation that is showing signs of trouble. What we want to do is find stable bedrock and essentially attach the foundation to that support. This is a good procedure when we’re dealing with foundations that have had a rough go with shifting top soil.

Foundation Leveling

Our foundation leveling service is a cornerstone of structural repair, vital for addressing and rectifying foundation problems that can affect the stability and value of your home. Serving various communities, we specialize in diagnosing and correcting issues that cause uneven or compromised foundations. Understanding that each property is unique, we factor in all aspects of your situation to provide a comprehensive foundation repair service. Our expert team offers detailed estimates, ensuring transparency and preparedness for our customers throughout the repair process. Trust us to bring precision and professionalism to every project, reinforcing the structural integrity of your home for years to come.

In our leveling services we’re actually going to go in and lift a part of a home that’s sinking. A lot of people get scared when we make the recommendation that leveling is the best way forward. While this is a procedure that we may use in very difficult situations it doesn’t mean that we only suggest it as a repair method when we think your home is going to come tumbling down. There are different situations when foundation leveling  makes sense.

Crawlspace Repair

Our crawl space repair services are essential for any homeowner looking to maintain their home's safety and efficiency. From initial job assessments and moisture control to repairing walls and other structural elements in your crawl space, our expert team offers comprehensive solutions using high-quality materials. With a focus on customer satisfaction, we ensure each crawl space repair enhances your home's integrity and energy efficiency. Contact us today to address your home’s foundational needs from the ground up.

Crawlspaces tend to be rather vulnerable parts of a home. You usually want to make sure that you waterproof these areas on a rather regular basis. Water damage or just the presence of moisture can bring forth a ton of issues that lead to some of the major repairs that we handle. Just like with our foundation repairs we want to figure out exactly what’s wrong with the crawlspace first. From there we’ll be able to set up a plan to improve the current conditions of that area.


I got some terrible advice from a contractor about what was potentially wrong with my foundation. Luckily a friend recommend that I call the Raleigh Foundation Repair Pros. I’m just here to tell you that you shouldn’t get tricked into major “repairs” that you don’t really need. - Karla T.

My crawlspace always seemed to go through water damage on a yearly basis. I finally changed the company that did the waterproofing for me. Who would’ve thought it was actually poor waterproofing that was the problem! These guys are real lifesavers. - Frank G.

My home was in a real bad way and the pros here at Raleigh Foundation repairs literally saved it! I can’t thank them enough for what they did for me! - Pete Y.

Contact Us Today

If you see cracks on your wall or your floors are sinking, don’t wait—call us now at (984) 538-9198. Take the first step towards solving your foundation issues and avoid the uncertainty that could be worse than the problem itself.

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